Robin Murphy, the founder of ChirpChirp, shared her expert insights with Best Life Magazine on effective kitchen cleanliness and the essential items that require regular replacement. In summary, the top 5 kitchen items you should be replacing more often are:
1) Sponges- "Sponges are prone to bacteria growth, between their porous structure and frequent contact with contaminants."
2) Cutting Boards- "the knives you are using are creating nicks and grooves in them, which become a breeding ground for bacteria. The rule is to replace them at least annually."
3) Ice Trays- "Freezer smells are absorbed by the trays and transferred to the ice, This can impact the taste of the ice, which depending on what you keep in your freezer, may end up a little less than thirst quenching."
4) Wooden Utensils- "Wooden spoons and other utensils are more porous than those made of other materials, so it's important to replace them if they develop cracks or retain strong smells and stains that can't be removed."
5) Coffee Makers- "Calcium builds up and mold and yeast can grow in the water tank," In addition to cleaning the outsides of your coffee maker and the basket, don't neglect cleaning the water tank, something "people don't typically clean enough."
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